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2021-12-15 作者: 编辑:太阳成集团tyc7111cc 来源:水污染控制与水质安全保障科研团队

2021年12月14日,由中国工程院、科睿唯安与高等教育出版社在北京联合举行了《全球工程前沿2021》报告发布会。受中国工程院邀请,我校黄廷林教授作为研判专家解读的“水源地水质污染控制与修复”研究方向入选2021年全球工程前沿“土木、水力与建筑工程领域”TOP 10工程研究前沿。



水源地水质污染控制与修复主要是指水库、湖泊等饮用水水源的水质污染原位控制与修复。由于全球气候变化、极端天气频现和水动力条件改变,水源地水质 呈现出年内季节性、年际周期性与差异性变化特点。有效控制高负荷径流污染、富营养化与藻类污染、内源污染等成为全球水源水质安全保障面临的难题。主要研究方向包括:①水源地气候变化、温室效应等对污染物在气-土-水复合环境中迁移转化的影响机制,暴雨径流污染负荷削减的水动力学调控技术方法;②混合充氧耦合好氧反硝化菌群脱氮、除磷、削减有机物、抑制藻类繁殖的强化生物技术,无机电子供体弥补有机碳源驱动好氧反硝化脱氮机理与体系构建;③强制混合充氧诱导水体持续自然混合改善水质、修复水体生态净化功能作用机制与条件,放线菌致嗅机理与嗅味控制技术;④混合充氧提升底层水温与溶解氧控制内源污染和持续修复污染沉积物的作用机理与技术。未来主要发展趋势是融合气候、水文、流域径流污染、水生物与生态学、沉积与地球化学、环境水力学等多学科知识,系统开展水源地水质污染成因与演变规律研究和物理-生物-生态-水动力等综合性控制关键技术研发。从2015年至2020年,核心论文篇数为46,被引频次为1828,篇均被引频次为39.74。

Water Pollution Control and Remediation in Drinking Water Source Areas

Water pollution control and remediation in water source areas mainly focuses on the in-situ control and remediation at drinking water sour ce areas such as reservoirs and lakes. The quality of water sources presents seasonal fluctuation, as well as interannual periodicity and variability due to global climate change, the increased occurrence of extreme weather, and the change of hydrodynamic conditions. The effective control of runoff, eutrophication, algal growth and endogenous pollution has become a challenge for global water quality security. The main research directions include:①the impact of climate change and greenhouse effects on the migration and transformation of pollutants in the complex air-soil-water environment, and to develop the hydrodynamic regulation techniques for reducing the pollution load of rainstorm runoff;②the mixing and oxygenation coupled with aerobic denitrification technique to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, reducing organic matter and inhibiting algae reproduction, and employing the mechanism of aerobic denitrification bacteria driven by inorganic electron donor processes;③the mechanism of mixing and oxygenation induced continuous natural mixing of water bodies, which improves water quality and restores the ecological purification function, and olfactory mechanism and odor control technology of actinomycetes; and④the mechanism and the technology for controlling endogenous pollution and remediating continuously contaminated sediments by increasing both water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration. The future trend is to systematically explore the causes and evolution patterns of water pollution in drinking water source areas with multi-disciplinary knowledge from climatology, hydrology, watershed runoff pollution, aquatic biology and ecology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and environmental hydraulics, and to develop the integrated key technologies based on physics-biology-ecology-hydrodynamics (PBEH). Between 2015 and 2020, 46 core papers relevant to this research front were published. These papers received 1828 citations, with an average of 39.74citations per paper.




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