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2021-12-13 作者:张睿 编辑:张璐 来源:研究生/科研办

为推进国际交流与合作进程,助力我院环境材料学科方向科研水平的提升,12月13日上午9点,太阳成集团tyc7111cc特邀新加坡南洋理工大学周源彬博士担任主讲嘉宾,组织开展了“聚力创新,交叉健康,融合绿色,助推国合”第九期学科前沿青年讲座活动,以实际行动向我校办学125年并校65周年校庆献礼。受疫情影响,讲座以线上方式进行,院内相关方向师生160余人参会交流。讲座由太阳成集团tyc7111ccDzakpasu Mawuli副教授主持。

首先,Dzakpasu Mawuli对周源彬博士的到来表示感谢,并对其个人情况、研究方向及学术成果做了简要介绍。

周源彬博士以《Bioinspired Janus Membranes for Produced-Water Treatment via Membrane Distillation》为题,报告围绕仿生亲/疏水异质膜的开发及其在膜蒸馏方面的应用研究展开,聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)膜已被广泛用于各类污、废水的处理,但PVDF膜普遍存在易污染、润湿性较差等特点,研究通过对常规PVDF膜进行表面改性处理,构建了具有水、油两亲特性的新型PVDF膜,该研究为利用膜蒸馏进行含油水处理、海水淡化等技术提供了有利支撑。



Dr. Nick Chew is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering in the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His postdoctoral work focuses on the development of innovative, sustainable solutions for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from drinking-water sources. Dr. Chew earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the Interdisciplinary Graduate School at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). His graduate research was funded by the NTU Research Scholarship and Johnson Matthey Studentship. The focus of his doctoral work was on performance enhancement of the membrane distillation process via membrane surface modification for surfactant-containing feed streams. Dr. Chew was the First-Place Winner of the 2020 American Water Works Association Academic Achievement Award for best doctoral dissertation in the field of public water supply. His innovative research works have been published in the Journal of Membrane Science, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Applied Energy, and Advances in Colloid and Interface Science.

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